Posted in block of the week, family, Grandma's Kitchen

Grandma’s Kitchen BOW #23/25


Pat Sloan at I Love To Make Quilts has posted us another great block. Block #23 is called That One Item  and our memory story is that one item that makes you think of your grandma.

Cooper Family Memories

The one thing that makes me think of Mammaw Cooper is seeing an older lady with her long hair twisted into a round bun. The only time I ever saw Mammaw with her hair down was at bedtime or when it was washed. She was a very private woman and was embarrassed to be seen with her hair down.

My daddy was the seventh child and the baby of the family. This was the second family for Pappaw Henry Cooper and he married Mammaw Cooper after his first wife died. He was a lot older than Mammaw and he died when my daddy was in the third grade. By this time most of my dad’s siblings were older and on their own. My dad quit school to help support Mammaw. Even though he did not have much formal education he was a very proud and smart man who owned his own businesses all his adult life.





I am a retired grandmother living in hot and sunny Florida. I spend most of my days doing what I love: sewing and quilting. I have a spoiled rotten Boston Terrier named Sami who keeps me busy mostly by cleaning up after her and refilling holes in the yard that she insists on digging and burying her toys. Of course then she digs them up and brings them into the house resulting guessed it...more cleaning. I will be posting pictures of Sami, quilts, flowers, and other things as they come along. Glad to have you join me.

14 thoughts on “Grandma’s Kitchen BOW #23/25

  1. Beautiful block! I was small when my father’s mom passed, and my mother’s mom abandoned them when she was young, so I missed out on the grandmother experience, pretty much. I glad to say my own kids grew up with my mother extremely nearby and very involved in their lives. Loved her like another parent and still can’t talk about her without crying, four years on.

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  2. Hi Peggy,
    Beautiful block as always. I love hearing about Mammaw and your memories of her. My parents were both the oldest of their siblings, and every picture I’ve ever seen of my grandmothers showed them with hair in a bun. Probably the same thing as your Mammaw, and not being seen with their hair down. It sounds like your Dad was a great son and family man. He set a good example for you and your siblings. ~smile~ Roseanne

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